TIME REMOVER is out now!
Thanks to Rollin’Barrel especially, who came up with the clockwork motion as well as the idea of putting text in the background in the first place.
This was a new process for me. The gameplay, the self generated bullet-hell, was created in a very deliberate process of iteration over multiple weeks. It would be fun to go through all my notes and track those iterations, but not now. Now I need some distance, because the second part of the game, the long and dense text that scrolls in the background, was created in a few heady days of intense focus.
The combination of those two components does what it was supposed to, in my opinion, but the text itself is giving me some headaches. There’s some strange stuff in there and I’ve been thinking a lot about what I just publisher, after I published it. Pondering, but already from a small distance, which feels very nice.
I’ve read through most of the previous blogposts, to re-orient myself. It took a couple of months, but I finally managed to release something. Yay. It’s very satisfying to look back on the struggle-posts and be able to see the traces of the ideas that would end up working out. As predicted, most stuff was completely useless. But you never know.
There is a rush in releasing something. I think I want more of that, but I have to find a way to keep these days of intense focus under control. This can not be my default mode and there are actually a couple of arguments to be made for making sure I don’t go so far into myself again, but eh. Let’s see.
So, what’s next?
Those are the things that are necessary. Now, much more interestening, let’s look at the things that are possible:
Let’s see!